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来源:太阳成集团tyc33455cc沈厚铎 编辑:刘勇 审核人: 发布时间:2020-04-04 浏览量:


内容摘要: 沈家本(1840-1913年),字子淳,别号寄簃,浙江湖州人,中国近代著名法学家、法制改革家,曾奉命主持清末的修律活动,为我国法律的近代化做出了重大贡献。沈家本先生以法学名于世,但沈家本先生同时还是一位国学大家,给我们留下了很多宝贵的非法学研究成果,同样值得学者们重视。以研究沈家本先生的法学成就为龙头,集沈家本先生在经学、史学、版本目录学(文献学)以及诗歌创作、随笔等诸多成果于一体,建构一个全面研究沈家本先生的“沈学”,不仅是可能的,而且是必要的。惟有如此,才不至于忽略沈家本先生留下的诸多文化遗产。

关键词: 沈家本  清末修律  法学研究  非法学著作  沈学


On Construction to “Shenology” and An Introduction to the Non-law Works of Mr. Shen Jia-ben

Shen Hou-duo


Abstract: Shen Jia-ben(1840-1913),born in Huzhou, Zhejiang province, a famous Jurist and legal reformer in modern China, who had conducted the movement of modifying the law in the late Qing dynasty, and had made a great contributions to modernizate Chinese tradtional law. Not only is Mr. Shen famous for his researches on law, but also he is a master of Sinology, and gives us many valuable non-law works, which are worthy of our attention. I think, it is possible and necessary that we construct Shenology by collecting together Mr. Shen’s all works, such as the study of Confucion classics, historiography, bibliography, poetry and casual literary notes, and headed by Mr. Shen’s legal works. Only in this way can Mr. Shen’s numerous cultural heritages be remembered by all of us.

Key words: Shen Jia-ben; Modifying the law in late Qing dynasty; Studies of law; non-law works; Shenology